
Exhibitions on display now

Casterton - The Museum of Unfinished Objects

We think it’s time to re-evaluate. There are many reasons why we abandon a project, perhaps due to circumstances which interrupt our lives, or just from a lack of inspiration or the feeling that it’s just not working out, and interest in the project is lost.

Looking at an unfinished work, can sometimes reveal interesting things about the way we create, and the thoughts we put into them.

On display at the Casterton Library until 29 June





Portland - Maritime

"The briny smell of the sea drifts in from the shore on crisp Autumn day. Maybe you get a hint of diesel and old fish wafting in, and a pile of rope lies coiled on the dockside waiting for the old ferry to get in. Out beyond the bay, the sailing club are wrapping up for the day, and head for home. Think ships, boats and sail, rope and mast. Think brass and teak and anchors."

On display at the Portland Library until 27 July


2024 Program

Download the 2024 Art Program here(PDF, 3MB)

Entry Form (PDF, 117KB)